Once you have uploaded or received all the documents required you can lodge the final application. At the top right of your screen is the lodge button. Click on that and enter the loan reference number. Use the drop down list to select the lender. There is an option to enter the email address manually if the lender is not listed.

You can also un-check documents to exclude in lodgement. Click on documents to include or exclude.  

If the lender’s email have size restrictions you can use the “mail attachment size” slider to send multiple emails. You can also specify the  attachment format by selecting either pdf or zip from the top right corner of the screen.

Now the application is ready and can be lodged by clicking on “lodge” at the bottom right corner of the screen or saved as draft for later. This will take you to your dashboard/ home screen where your application was previously listed in “In Progress” tab will be moved to “Lodged” Tab


Now you have successfully lodged a Loan Application to the Lender!